/ Media / Livestream

Emmanuel Orthodox Church
11 Lincoln Street
Brookfield, MA 01506

  • Sun

    8:45 Matins
    9:30 Holy Mass
    11:30 Confession
  • Sun

    8:45 Matins
    9:30 Holy Mass
    11:30 Confession
  • Sun

    8:45 Matins
    9:30 Holy Mass
    11:30 Confession

  • Our New Location
    Emmanuel Orthodox Church has a brand new location. 11 Lincoln Street, Brookfield, Ma. 01506.
  • Food For The Poor
    We will begin our annual Food For The Poor collection on March 9th. The goal is to set aside your spare change through the Lenten season. Let's try and beat last year's record of $297.00!!
  • Woman's Group Is Back
    After a long break due to COVID, our Antiochian Women's Group is meeting on the 3rd Sunday of each month, directly after Mass. All women are invited to join. 
  • Emmanuel Monthly Fellowship Brunch
    Our next Monthly brunch will be held on April 10th directly after Mass, at the Ye Olde Tavern in West Brookfield. The meal is free, the fellowship is fun and the opportunity is for all members of the
Emmanuel Orthodox Church
11 Lincoln Street; Brookfield, MA 01506